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Browsing Tag: Mommy

Welcome to my world of LISTS

First blog post – HERE WE GO!

While it has always been super intimidating to me, I have always thought about starting a blog. What’s always held me back is that I’m the “every girl.” You will never mistake me for a fashion insider, pastry chef, CEO powerhouse, or home-schooling mother of the year. That being said, I’m passionate about my family, my life, and my career, and find balancing all of that a little daunting at times. Enter the LISTS.

I’m a list maker to the core, a planner, a scheduler, and a dreamer of lofty goals all trying to align with their own competing priorities (see above). I keep lists EVERYWHERE – in my phone, bullet journal, stickies throughout the house, running on repeat loop in my head… No different than every other woman in the world. Sometimes these lists are task oriented, and other times, a carefully curated list of favorites that I continuously reference and share with family and friends. This is what I’m passionate about – helping people find solutions that change their lives. And while that may sound super intense, I believe the perfect coffee or toddler activity CAN change your life when you need it to. I love being able to bring joy or ease someone’s day whether by recommendation or shared experience. This blog was created as a result of this – a place to consolidate my favorite completed lists, the research that goes into them, the experiences associated with them, and share them (and obviously refer back to them!).

I don’t know where this journey will lead, but I’m hoping that it gives my endless lists some structure and gives you another connection to someone who has “been there” as I share my experiences and discoveries with you!